Welcome to our worship service on June 26! We hope it will be a blessing for you. The order of worship can be found here.
*Since we are continuing to email/mail the weekly announcements to the congregation each week, we will be publishing a “mini-newsletter” for the month of July.
*Church Safety Task Force and Security Team: Please be reminded that the Virtual Training will be offered on this Tuesday, June 28 from noon to 2:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary.
*The Board of Trustees will meet this coming Tuesday, June 28 at 6:00 p.m. in the Social Hall.
*Next Sunday’s Communion Offering for July will support the Pastor’s Discretionary Fund that helps us meet emergency community needs as they arise. Thank you for your generosity.
*Back-to-School gift bags for Amherst Elementary teachers and staff: The congregation is invited to participate in helping our church show our love and support to AES with gift bags. The bags with instructions will be placed in the back of the Sanctuary next Sunday, July 3, for you to pick up and will be due back on Sunday, August 7. Thanks for considering this opportunity.
*Summer Worship: As the weather warms for the summer, everyone is encouraged to dress “cool and casual” for worship throughout the summer. “Singing our Favorites” also has returned for Summer Worship. Please indicate any hymn(s) you would like for the congregation to sing on the back of your blue “Connect with Us” form in worship, including any particular verse(s) of the hymn that are your favorites. Opportunity will also be given during worship to request a favorite hymn “on the spot.” If your favorite is not in our hymnal, request it anyway and we will do our best to find it!
*Amherst Cares, School Year 2021-2022: Because of the continued financial, physical, and spiritual support of the Emmanuel United Methodist Church Community, Amherst Cares has just completed its twelfth year of providing supplemental food to identified Amherst County Public School students. This mission of our Church distributed 14,941 bags of food to our neediest students for this school year. Each bag contained enough items to provide two to three meals of shelf stable, easy to consume, kid friendly food. We are so grateful for the dedication of our many volunteers from multiple churches who pack bags of food, deliver the food, and recycle the many boxes and packaging generated in this process. We are truly blessed by the Amherst Community’s commitment to address the food needs of Amherst County Public School Students. Thank you. Beth Gamble, President, Amherst Cares.
*The Worship Team invites others to PLEASE CONSIDER serving as a Lay Reader, Usher or Greeter in worship. The sign-up sheet is available on the big bulletin board in the hallway beside the Sanctuary. If you would like to know more about these areas of service, ushers and greeters may contact Jeanie Combs, Head Usher (luv2swim1953@icloud.com; 434-907-2487). Lay Readers may contact Pastor Nancy (ncolemanjohnson@gmail.com; 434-401-5776).
*Meals on Wheels needs your help! Our Meals on Wheels team participates with Amherst County’s Blue Ledge MOW by providing a meal for approximately 25 clients on the first Monday of each month. The menu is coordinated via email and volunteers take turns helping in the kitchen to package the meals for the drivers to pick up (approximately 3-5 p.m. on the 1st Monday). If you feel led to be part of our MOWs team, please contact Cindy Sale (sale@sbc.edu; 434-401-7249). Additional help will be most appreciated. We appreciate everyone who has made designated gifts to MOWs to help offset the cost of the food each month.
*Church Family Contact Information: Do you have a new email address or cell phone number? Has your mailing address changed? Please help us keep our contact information current by using your blue “Connect with Us” form to indicate any changes to your contact information. These changes may also be emailed to Melanie in the church office (office@emmanuelamherst.org). Thanks for your help!