Welcome to our worship service on Sunday, July 31, 2022. We hope it be a blessing to you. The order of worship can be found at this link.
*Back-to-School Gift Bags for Amherst Elementary Teachers and Staff: The congregation is invited to participate in helping our church show our love and support to AES with gift bags. The bags with instructions are located in the back of the Sanctuary for you to pick up and will be due back next Sunday, August 7. The theme is “You Are Our Sunshine.” Yellow item ideas for the bags: pencils, highlighters, candy bar with yellow wrapper, Lays potato chips, Golden Oreos, lemonade, gum, M&M’s, lemon tea, etc. Thanks for considering this opportunity.
*Mark your calendars…Back to School Party, “This will ‘BEE’ a Great School Year”
On Wednesday, August 10th at 11:00 a.m., Children/Youth Ministries will have a back-to-school party and picnic. The event will be held at the home of Elbert Maddox (Thank you, Elbert!). All children, youth, and adults are invited. Hot dogs with fixings will be served. If you would like to provide a side dish, a sign-up sheet is at the back of the church. Rain date – Thursday, August 11th at 11:00 a.m. Address: 121 West Monitor Road, Amherst. Contact Jeanie Combs with questions.
*The Board of Trustees will meet on Tuesday, August 23 at 6:00 p.m. in the Social Hall.
*Our Church Council/Finance Team will not meet in August. Our next meeting will be on Tuesday, September 13 at 6:30 p.m. in the Social Hall.
*Upcoming Red Cross Blood Drive at EUMC, Friday, August 12, 12:00 Noon to 4:00 p.m.
Those wishing to donate blood are asked to make an appointment by visiting www.redcrossblood.org or by calling 1-800-RED-CROSS (1-800-733-2767). Support the Red Cross and help save a life!
*Save-the-Date: The Vitality Team will sponsor the Annual Ice Cream Social on Sunday, August 21. Please watch for more details.
*The Town of Amherst is currently seeking input from Town residents regarding its Comprehensive Plan. The Comprehensive Plan will affect decisions regarding land use, transportation, housing, recreation, and Town services. A 5-minute digital survey is available at www.surveymonkey.com/r/AmherstTown. Paper copies are available at Town Hall, 174 S. Main Street. The survey will be open until August 8. Additionally, a public meeting will be held for residents to discuss their vision for the community on Wednesday, August 24, at Town Hall. Information will be available beginning at 6:00 p.m. and a formal presentation will be at 7:00 p.m.
*The Church Food Pantry is in need of some small to medium-sized cardboard boxes for our food distribution ministry. The boxes need to be strong, but not too large so that they can be managed easily by volunteers and clients after they are filled with heavy canned items. If you have some boxes to donate, please leave them in the food pantry room downstairs. Thanks for your help.
*Summer Worship: Throughout the summer months, everyone is encouraged to dress “cool and casual” for worship. “Singing our Favorites” also has returned for Summer Worship and will continue through Labor Day. Please indicate any hymn(s) you would like for the congregation to sing on the back of your blue “Connect with Us” form in worship, including any particular verse(s) of the hymn that are your favorites. Opportunity will also be given during worship to request a favorite hymn “on the spot.” If your favorite is not in our hymnal, request it anyway and we will do our best to find it!
*The Worship Team invites others to PLEASE CONSIDER serving as a Lay Reader, Usher or Greeter in worship. The sign-up sheet is available on the big bulletin board in the hallway beside the Sanctuary.
If you would like to know more about these areas of service, ushers and greeters may contact Jeanie Combs, Head Usher (luv2swim1953@icloud.com; 434-907-2487). Lay Readers may contact Pastor Nancy (ncolemanjohnson@gmail.com; 434-401-5776).