Welcome to our worship service on Sunday, August 7, 2022! The order of worship can be found at this link.
*August’s Communion Offering, which will be collected today is designated to assist those families and churches in Southwest VA and Eastern Kentucky (included in the Holston Conference of the UMC) that have endured severe flooding recently. Our governor recently declared a state of emergency in some of these areas and rescue and recovery efforts are underway. Our “Back-to-School” September Communion offering is designated for the ministry of Amherst Cares as we begin a new school year.
*The Back-to-School appreciation gift bags for Amherst Elementary are due TODAY! If you forgot to return yours, you can let Jeanie know and bring it next week for the Back-to-School blessing.
*We have been made aware of school supplies that are needed for the students of Temperance Elementary. If you can assist, please bring these items to worship next Sunday, August 14. Thanks for your help: Glue sticks, markers, colored pencils, composition notebooks, pencil boxes, pocket folders, reusable/refillable water bottles for students, tissues.
*Back to School Party, “This will ‘BEE’ a Great School Year”: On Wednesday, August 10th at 11:00 a.m., Children/Youth Ministries will have a back-to-school party and picnic. The event will be held at the home of Elbert Maddox (Thank you, Elbert!). All children, youth, and adults are invited. Hot dogs with fixings will be served. If you would like to provide a side dish, a sign-up sheet is at the back of the church. Rain date – Thursday, August 11th at 11:00 a.m. Address: 121 West Monitor Road, Amherst. Contact Jeanie Combs with questions.
*“Back-to-School” Blessing Sunday, August 14 during 10:30 Worship Service: Back-to-School is just around the corner! We welcome all students, teachers and school personnel (preschool and beyond!) to join us for worship as we ask God’s blessing upon the new school year. Students are invited to bring their backpacks or lunchboxes to worship for the blessing. The congregation is encouraged to use the bright yellow insert to invite friends and neighbors to join us. We will dedicate your “You Are Our Sunshine” gift bags for Amherst Elementary and any school supplies for Temperance that we receive. We will also recognize Amherst Cares Volunteers on this day as we begin another year of ministry together.
*Upcoming Red Cross Blood Drive at EUMC, Friday, August 12, 12:00 Noon to 4:00 p.m.
Those wishing to donate blood are asked to make an appointment by visiting www.redcrossblood.org or by calling 1-800-RED-CROSS (1-800-733-2767). Support the Red Cross and help save a life!
*50th Anniversary Party for Lindy and Margaret Ann White: The family invites you to join them in celebrating this milestone on Saturday, August 20, 2:00-5:00 p.m. in the EUMC Social Hall. Please RSVP to Kristen White Cox (434-942-8446) or Margaret Ann (434-444-2206) no later than August 14. No gifts please.
*Save-the-Date: The Vitality Team will sponsor the Annual Ice Cream Social on Sunday, August 21. Please watch for more details.
*Our Church Council/Finance Team will not meet in August. Our next meeting will be on Tuesday, September 13 at 6:30 p.m. in the Social Hall.
*The Town of Amherst is currently seeking input from Town residents regarding its Comprehensive Plan. The Comprehensive Plan will affect decisions regarding land use, transportation, housing, recreation, and Town services. A 5-minute digital survey is available at www.surveymonkey.com/r/AmherstTown. Paper copies are available at Town Hall, 174 S. Main Street. The survey will be open until August 8. Additionally, a public meeting will be held for residents to discuss their vision for the community on Wednesday, August 24, at Town Hall. Information will be available beginning at 6:00 p.m. and a formal presentation will be at 7:00 p.m.
*Summer Worship: As the hot summer continues, everyone is encouraged to dress “cool and casual” for worship. “Singing our Favorites” for Summer Worship will continue through Labor Day. Please indicate any hymn(s) you would like for the congregation to sing on the back of your blue “Connect with Us” form in worship, including any particular verse(s) of the hymn that are your favorites. Opportunity will also be given during worship to request a favorite hymn “on the spot.” If your favorite is not in our hymnal, request it anyway and we will do our best to find it!
*Church Family Contact Information: Do you have a new email address or cell phone number? Has your mailing address changed? Please help us keep our contact information current by using your blue “Connect with Us” form to indicate any changes to your contact information. These changes may also be emailed to Melanie in the church office (office@emmanuelamherst.org). Thanks for your help!
Words of Thanks
Your kind message of comfort for the service of our loved one is gratefully acknowledged and deeply appreciated. Dear EUMC Family, There are no words to thank you enough for your thoughtfulness to the family during the home going of my sweet Daddy. I appreciate all of the time and effort that was put into the meal after the service, it was very special to me. Thank you to each person who prepared food and gave of their time on our behalf. Love, Janet Abbott