Welcome to Sunday morning worship on August 28, 2022! The order of worship can be found at this link.
*Appreciation for First Responders: In appreciation of our “local heroes” and in observance of Patriot Day that commemorates 9/11, the Vitality Team invites the church family to join us in showing our appreciation to our fire, rescue squad and law enforcement personnel with a gift box of “grab-and-go” snacks. We will collect pre-wrapped, snack-sized packs of cookies, crackers, granola bars, candy bars and chips (no water bottles please) to deliver to our community servants. We will collect these items in the Narthex tub now through September 11. On Sunday, September 11, we welcome the music ministry of Faithful Praise who will provide a worship concert for our 10:30 worship service. We will recognize our first responders in worship and invite them to join us for a fellowship meal after the service. The church will provide the chicken and beverages for the meal, and the congregation is invited to bring side dishes, salads and desserts. Please bring a little extra to accommodate our special guests and use the insert in today’s bulletin to invite friends, neighbors (and 1st Responders) to join us on this special Sunday.
*September is National Hunger Action Month: Please see the September newsletter for ideas about how you can take part in ending hunger now! Our September Communion Offering is designated for the vital ministry of Amherst Cares as we begin a new school year. Amherst Cares distributed a total of 14,941 bags of food during the 2021-22 school year, providing 2 to 3 meals of kid-friendly, weekend food for needy students. Now in its 12th year of ministry, Amherst Cares has already launched their food distribution for the 2022-23 new school year to meet the needs of hungry students. You may make your gifts to Amherst Cares through the September Communion Offering using your regular communion envelope, or by mailing your gift to Amherst Cares at the church address, P.O. Box 451, Amherst, VA 24521. Amherst Cares also appreciates the donation of needed food items for the bags, especially those items unavailable from the Food Bank. Beginning Monday, September 12 through Sunday, October 2, we will collect food items needed by Amherst Cares. Please see the September newsletter for the list of needed items.
*A Message from the Finance Team: In preparation for our annual budget planning and approval process, Finance Chair, Mike Stinnett, asks Chairs/Team Leaders of all teams/committees that are responsible for a portion of the church budget to please check with your team about any needed changes to your 2023 budget requests, and let Mike know of these changes by Sunday, September 11. The 2023 Church Budget will be presented and discussed at the September 13 Church Council/Finance Team Meeting in preparation for our Charge Conference/District Conference Palooza scheduled for the morning of Saturday, November 5. Please contact Mike Stinnett with any questions regarding the church budget.
*Nursery Volunteers: It is a joy once again to reopen our church nursery during worship, and to welcome back Skylar Ondrick as our nursery worker. In keeping with our church’s Safe Sanctuaries policies, we currently need ONE VOLUNTEER per Sunday to assist the paid nursery staff with Nursery Care during worship. There is a pink sign-sheet at the back of the Sanctuary. Please be present no later than 10:10 a.m. If you find that you are not able to keep your commitment after signing up for a Sunday, please call someone else on the list to switch with you or find another volunteer to take your place. If on any given Sunday, no other children are present in the nursery except Skylar’s, the volunteer is not needed. Thanks for your help.
*Bible Studies, Sunday School and Prayer Groups to Resume: It is time to relaunch our small group ministry! Current opportunities being considered are: Weekly Adult Sunday School at 9:15 a.m.; Weekly Wednesday Bible Study and/or Prayer Group (time TBD depending on interest); 2nd Tuesday Women’s Bible Study Group (once a month). Please take time to complete the back of your blue “Connect with Us” form to indicate your interest in these spiritual growth opportunities. Thanks for your help.