Welcome to our worship service on Sunday, November 13, 2022! The order of worship can be found here.
*Honoring our Veterans: We are thankful to have the opportunity today to show our love and appreciation to our Veterans. Thanks to Margaret Ann White and the worship team who sponsored a breakfast this morning for our Veterans and their families.
*Come and Sing in the Christmas Cantata! The chancel choir invites all interested singers to participate in this year’s Christmas Cantata to be presented in worship on Sunday, December 18. Cantata rehearsal will take place each Wednesday evening at 6:30 p.m. in the choir room, followed by regular choir practice. For the week of Thanksgiving, we will rehearse on Tuesday, November 22 at 6:30 instead of Wednesday.
*“Bags of Thanks” November Food Drive: During the month of November, the congregation is invited to participate in a “Bags of Thanks” food drive to help us restock our church Food Pantry with needed items. Today as you leave worship, paper bags with a shopping list inside are available at the back of the Sanctuary. You may fill your bag with some of the items on the list and return it to the Narthex tub, the wire baskets in the Social Hall, or to the pew downstairs in the Food Pantry room by Sunday, November 20, the Sunday before Thanksgiving. On that Sunday, we will bless these food offerings and give thanks to God for blessing others through our gifts. Thank you for considering this mission opportunity.
*Stewardship Emphasis: Beginning last Sunday with All Saints’ Day, and continuing through November 20, our worship focus is stewardship as we explore the theme Trust and Obey: The Grace of Giving.
Our annual stewardship packets with Faith Promise Cards for 2023 have been mailed or distributed to everyone in our church family. This special emphasis gives us all the opportunity to prayerfully consider how God is calling us to grow in faithfulness through the giving of our prayers, our presence, our gifts, our service and our witness. Beginning on Commitment Sunday, November 20, you will have opportunity to return your faith promise card in worship. You may also mail it in, or hand deliver it to the church office by December 18. Please take time to pray for God’s guidance as you consider what God may want to do through you and through our church in the coming year.
*Singing in the Season: Second Stage in Amherst invites the community to their annual “Singing in the Season” on the first Sunday of Advent, November 27 at 3:00 p.m. Participants will either drive or walk to 6 of our Amherst churches to join with local church choirs for carol singing and/or special seasonal selections. The festivities begin at Emmanuel at 3:00 p.m. and conclude at Second Stage at approximately 5:30 p.m. with a community carol sing and light refreshments. This event is free and open to the public. All are welcome!