Welcome to our worship service on Christ the King Sunday, November 20, 2022. The Order of Worship is available here.
*Come and Sing in the Christmas Cantata! The chancel choir invites all interested singers to participate in this year’s Christmas Cantata to be presented in worship on Sunday, December 18. Cantata rehearsal will take place each Wednesday evening at 6:30 p.m. in the choir room, followed by regular choir practice. For the week of Thanksgiving, we will rehearse on Tuesday, November 22 at 6:30 instead of Wednesday.
*“Bags of Thanks” November Food Drive: Thanks to everyone that participated in our November Food Drive. Your food gifts will be used to restock our church’s food pantry that serves the emergency needs of families in our local community.
*Stewardship Emphasis: Trust and Obey: The Grace of Giving. Today is Commitment Sunday, which concludes our annual stewardship emphasis. Throughout the month of November, we have all been encouraged to prayerfully consider how God is calling us to grow in faithfulness in 2023 through the giving of our prayers, our presence, our gifts, our service and our witness. You will have opportunity during worship today to return your Faith Promise Card for 2023. If you wish, you may return your card by mail, hand deliver it to the church office, or place it in the offering plate by Sunday, December 18. Additional packets are available from the ushers and in the church office. May God bless us all as we seek to be good stewards of all God’s gifts to us.
*Singing in the Season: Second Stage in Amherst invites the community to their annual “Singing in the Season” on the first Sunday of Advent, November 27 at 3:00 p.m. Participants will either drive or walk to 6 of our Amherst churches to join with local church choirs for carol singing and/or special seasonal selections. The festivities begin at Emmanuel at 3:00 p.m. and conclude at Second Stage at approximately 5:30 p.m. with a community carol sing and light refreshments. This event is free and open to the public. All are welcome!
*“Deck the Halls” of the Church and Sanctuary, Wednesday, November 30, 4:30-6:30 p.m. The Worship Team invites the congregation to help us “deck the halls” of the church and Sanctuary on Wednesday, November 30 from 4:30-6:30 p.m. It is most helpful to have a few people present who are able to climb ladders to assist with some of the decorations. We appreciate your help!
*Poinsettia Tree for Advent and Christmas: Our congregation looks forward each year to the beautiful poinsettia tree that enhances our worship during the Advent and Christmas seasons. Please see the bright green form in today’s bulletin if you wish to place a poinsettia on the tree in honor or memory of someone. The suggested donation is $12/plant and forms need to be returned no later than Friday, December 9. Because Christmas Day falls on a Sunday this year, poinsettias will not be available for pick up until after morning worship on Sunday, December 25.
*Church Family Christmas Cards: Again this year, the congregation is invited to participate in our Church Family Christmas Card distribution which allows us to share postage-free Christmas wishes with our church family. Please prepare your cards in envelopes with the name of the recipient on the front of each envelope. Place your cards together in a plastic zip-lock bag with your name on the outside of the bag. Drop of your cards in the Narthex tub anytime between now and Sunday, December 11. Your cards from the church family will be returned to you in your same plastic bag beginning on December 18. The savings in postage gives us all an opportunity to make an additional gift to the church or to the charity of our choice. PLEASE NOTE: If you wish to send cards to some of our homebound or nursing/retirement home friends, or to those who do not worship with us regularly, addresses are available in the church directory or church office for you to mail them. The church is not able to mail cards that are not picked up.