Worship with us online December 18, 2022

Posted By EmmanuelUMC on Dec 24, 2022 |

Welcome to our worship service on Sunday, Dec. 18, 2022!  The Order of Worship is available here.


*Today, Sunday, December 18, 10:30 a.m. ~ Our Chancel Choir presents our annual Christmas Cantata entitled Behold the Star: A Christmas Journey to the Light of Christ by Lloyd Larson, followed by a covered dish luncheon. We appreciate the ministry Sue Lamm and our faithful choir members who work diligently to provide special music for us during the Advent and Christmas seasons

*Poinsettia Tree for Advent and Christmas: Thanks to everyone who made donations to help us create our beautiful Poinsettia Tree, and to Margaret Ann White (Worship Team Chair), Lindy White and Jack Brandell for coordinating the tree set-up and plant pick-up. An insert in today’s bulletin lists all those being honored and remembered by the church family. Please be reminded that because Christmas Day falls on a Sunday this year, poinsettias will not be available for pick up until after morning worship on Sunday, December 25. Someone will also be present at the church on Monday, December 26 from 10 a.m. to noon to assist with poinsettia pick up.

*Wednesday, December 21, 5:00 p.m. ~ Longest Night/“Blue Christmas” Service: A Gathering of Hope and Light: During the busyness and noise of the holiday season, many of us struggle at times with all the “festive merriment” due to personal losses and difficulties of all kinds: grief, illness, loneliness, financial stress, or changing family circumstances. These situations can make the holidays particularly challenging. On the “longest night” of the year, join us for a sacred time of quiet meditation, prayer, scripture, remembrance and hope. Participants may bring a photo or a special remembrance of a loved one to place on the memory table if you wish, or an item that is symbolic of your faith journey at the present time. All are welcome.

*Saturday, December 24, 5:00 p.m. Christmas Eve Candlelight Communion Service. Join us as we gather for worship on this holy night. All are welcome.

*Sunday, December 25, 10:30 a.m. A Christmas Day Service of Lessons and Carols.

*Church Family Christmas Cards: If you are participating in the Church Family Christmas Card distribution, the deadline to receive cards in the Narthex tub is TODAY, December 18. Please prepare your cards in envelopes with the name of the recipient on the front of each envelope. Place your cards together in a plastic zip-lock bag with your name on the outside of the bag. Your cards from the church family will be returned to you in your same plastic bag beginning on December 18. The savings in postage

gives us all an opportunity to make an additional gift to the church or to the charity of our choice. PLEASE NOTE: If you wish to send cards to some of our homebound or nursing/retirement home friends, or to those who do not worship with us regularly, addresses are available in the church directory or church office for you to mail them. The church is not able to mail cards that are not picked up. Thanks to Jeanie Combs for coordinating this effort.

*Church Office Holiday Schedule: The church office will be closed on Monday, December 26 and Wednesday December 28 for the Christmas Eve and Christmas Day holidays, and Monday, January 2 for the New Year holiday. As always, please call Pastor Nancy if any emergencies arise (434-401-5776).

*Thanks to everyone for donating boxes for the food pantry. We have an ample supply of boxes and do not need any more at this time. Please consider recycling your cardboard. We appreciate your help!