Merry Christmas and welcome to our Christmas Day worship service! The order of worship is available here.
*Poinsettia Tree for Advent and Christmas: Thanks to everyone who made donations to help us create our beautiful Poinsettia Tree, and to Margaret Ann White (Worship Team Chair), Lindy White and Jack Brandell for coordinating the tree set-up and plant pick-up. If you indicated that you would like to pick up your poinsettia, they will be available after morning worship today. Someone will also be present at the church on Monday, December 26 from 10 a.m. to noon to assist with poinsettia pick up. Unfortunately, we had a great deal of trouble with the poinsettia plants dying prematurely this year, in spite of our best care and efforts. We have done our best to have enough poinsettias available for all those who donated to the tree and wish to pick up plants. Thanks for your understanding.
*Church Family Christmas Cards: If you participated in the Church Family Christmas Card distribution, please remember to pick your cards up. All remaining cards have been placed at the back of the Sanctuary
*Church Office Holiday Schedule: The church office will be closed on Monday, December 26 and Wednesday December 28 for the Christmas Eve and Christmas Day holidays, and Monday, January 2 for the New Year’s holiday. As always, please call Pastor Nancy if any emergencies arise (434-401-5776).
*Because of the Christmas holiday, the January Newsletter will not be published until next week.
*2023 Church Offering Envelopes: Again this year, our church offering envelopes for the new year have been delayed in manufacturing. Until the envelopes arrive, please help our tellers by using your own envelope for your contributions, and write your name, envelope number, and any special designations with amounts (General Fund, Capital Fund, etc.) on the front of the envelope. New envelopes will be distributed as soon as the arrive to us. We appreciate your patience. ~ The Finance Team
*On Sunday, January 29, we will recognize and celebrate the ministries of both our outgoing lay leadership and our new leaders for 2023. We appreciate all our ministry leaders and faithful volunteers who devote themselves to serve Christ through the ministries of our church.
*Due to our church’s Charge Conference being scheduled in November this year, we postponed our annual congregation’s Informational Meeting until the new year. This meeting will be held immediately following worship on Sunday, January 29, 2023. Our approved 2023 Church Budget and Lay Leadership report will be shared with the congregation, as well as brief reports from some of our church leaders. All members and friends of the congregation are encouraged to attend.
*Bring a blanket in January so we can share the love in February with the Amherst Humane Society. As a community project, bring a blanket during the month of January for the Amherst Humane Society. Blankets can be placed in the bin in the Narthex and we will deliver them in February. Please see Jeanie Combs with questions.
*Thanks to everyone for donating your used cardboard boxes for the food pantry. We have an ample supply of boxes and do not need any more at the present time. Please consider recycling your cardboard. We appreciate your help!