Welcome to our worship service on Sunday, January 15, 2023. May it be a blessing to you. The order of worship is available here.
*The Church Council/Finance Team meeting rescheduled for Tuesday, January 17 has been postponed until Tuesday, February 7 at 6:30 p.m. in the Social Hall. Since the second Tuesday in February falls on Valentine’s Day, we have rescheduled the meeting for the first Tuesday. Please send any items for the agenda to Pam Brockman (pwbrock53@icloud.com; 434-941-5100).
*The Women’s Bible Study scheduled for Tuesday, January 17 has been cancelled. Our first gathering for 2023 will take place on Tuesday, February 14 at 9:30 in the Mattie Ware Classroom. We welcome others to join us!
*Church Family Christmas Cards: All remaining cards have been placed at the back of the Sanctuary. Please check to see if you have cards to pick up and see Jeanie Combs if you have questions.
*2023 Church Offering Envelopes: Our church offering envelopes have arrived and are available for pick up at the back of the Sanctuary. The envelopes are organized in alphabetical order by last name. If you have not been assigned an envelope number, but would like to receive numbered offering envelopes, please contact the church office (434-946-7624; office@emmanuelamherst.org). A record of giving for tax purposes is maintained by the church for all those using an envelope number. Quarterly statements are mailed out to acknowledge all gifts. We appreciate the faithful stewardship of our church family, and your patience in receiving your 2023 envelopes.
*The Prayer Shawl Ministry Group postponed gathering in January because of the high number of illnesses in the community. The group plans on meeting on the second Tuesday of every month at 1:00 p.m. in the Youth Room upstairs (room with the couches beside the choir room). Our next gathering is scheduled for Tuesday, February 14th at 1:00 p.m. We welcome anyone who is interested to please join us!
*Blessing of Church Leaders: On Sunday, January 29 during morning worship, we will show our gratitude to the church leaders who have served us in 2022 and offer a blessing for the 2023 Lay Leadership of our congregation. We appreciate all our ministry leaders and faithful volunteers who devote themselves to serve Christ through the ministries of our church and give thanks for the many ways God calls each of us to give of ourselves in service.
*Church Informational Meeting, Sunday, January 29 after Worship: Due to our church’s Charge Conference being scheduled in November this past year, we postponed our congregation’s annual Informational Meeting until the new year. This meeting will be held immediately following worship on Sunday, January 29, 2023. Our approved 2023 Church Budget and Lay Leadership report will be shared with the congregation, as well as brief reports from some of our church leaders. All members and friends of the congregation are encouraged to attend.
*Bring a blanket in January so we can share the love in February with the Amherst Humane Society. As a community project, bring a blanket during the month of January for the Amherst Humane Society. Blankets can be placed in the bin in the Narthex and we will deliver them in February. Please see Jeanie Combs with questions.
*“Secret Cupid” in February: Since the “secret disciple” was a success back in October, we have been asked to play again. So we will have “secret cupid” in February. Same rules apply: 1) There will be a box on the table near the ramp entrance to the Sanctuary with pieces of paper. Write your name on a piece of paper and put it in the plastic bag by January 29th. 2) Each person who has placed their name in the bag will draw a name on Sunday, January 29th (or that week if you cannot be there that Sunday). 3) Each Sunday in February (5th, 12th, 19th, 26th), you will bring a small gift for the person whose name you chose and place it in the bin located near the ramp entrance to the Sanctuary. Gift examples: cards, candy, pens, etc., just a small token to tell them you are thinking about them. IMPORTANT: Do not reveal your name as the gift-giver, but be sure to place the name of the receiver on your gift. 4) On the last Sunday, February 26th, you will reveal your name. If you have any questions, please ask Jeanie Combs.
*Thanks to everyone for donating your used cardboard boxes for the food pantry. We now have an ample supply of boxes and do not need any more at the present time. Please consider recycling your cardboard. We appreciate your help!