Worship with us online March 12, 2023

Posted By EmmanuelUMC on Mar 19, 2023 |

Welcome to our worship service on Sunday, March 12, 2023.  We hope it will be a blessing to you.  The order of worship can be found


     *Throughout the month of March, we are encouraged to join with other UMCs across the world in supporting the annual UMCOR Sunday Offering, which supports the vital ministry of our United Methodist Committee on Relief. Last Sunday’s March Communion Offering, as well as additional gifts received for UMCOR through March 26 are designated for this offering. When disaster strikes here or around the globe, UMCOR is present, providing humanitarian aid to hurting people. Since UMCOR does not receive any funding from church apportionments, the UMCOR Sunday offering provides support for UMCOR’s administrative costs, so that every penny given for designated disasters throughout the year can go for its intended purpose. Our “UMCOR Sunday” offering buckets will remain in the Sanctuary through March 26 to receive your gifts. Please use your communion offering envelope, or clearly mark your gift for UMCOR Sunday. Your generosity is appreciated.

     *The Chancel Choir and Worship Team look forward to presenting the Living Last Supper as an evening worship service for our church and community on Maundy Thursday, April 6 and GREATLY appreciate all those who have volunteered to participate. Any willing singers in the congregation are invited to join the choir to sing for this worship event. Singers may join us on Wednesdays at 7:30 p.m. in the choir room to participate.

     *Anyone wishing to help provide individually portioned/single serve/labeled meals for Pearl and Charles Clark may contact Beth Gamble to volunteer. (Home: 434-946-7657; Cell: 434-941-1559; Email: bethgamble3girls@gmail.com).

*An online schedule to provide meals for the Ruggles family has been set up through “Meal Train” If you wish to help out, please visit this link: https://mealtrain.com/ly6v0d

*Church Family Fun Night, Saturday, March 18, 6-8 p.m. Join us in the church social hall for some food, fun and fellowship. Baked Potatoes will be provided for “Irish Sundays.” Sign up on the big bulletin board to bring potato toppings, salad or a green dessert. Everyone is encouraged to bring your favorite game to play with others who attend. A family-friendly movie will also be provided. Come and bring a friend or neighbor with you. PLEASE SIGN UP TODAY so we can adequately prepare for this event. Use the green insert in today’s bulletin to invite someone to come with you!

     *Throughout the Lenten season, you are invited to join us for “Sacred Space” for Lent each of the remaining Wednesdays of March (15, 22, 29) from 6:00-6:45 p.m. in the Sanctuary. The time includes brief silent meditation, a devotional thought, prayer and holy communion. All are welcome.    

     *The Women’s Bible Study will meet this Tuesday, March 14 at 9:30 a.m. in the Mattie Ware Classroom. We welcome others to join us!

     *The Prayer Shawl Ministry Group will meet this Tuesday, March 14 at 1:00 p.m. We welcome anyone who is interested to please join us!

     *Seder Meal on Palm Sunday, April 2, 4:00 p.m. in the Social Hall: Come and participate in a Passover Meal to learn and experience this sacred tradition of the Jewish faith, a ritual that Jesus and his disciples would have observed with their families throughout their lives. This “meal” will not be a full dinner, but a worship experience that includes a sampling of traditional Passover foods and an exploration of the important parallels between the Passover observance and its fulfillment in the coming of Christ. Reservations are required by Wednesday, March 29. You may reserve by calling or emailing the church office (434-946-7624; office@emmanuelamherst.org) or by using the back of the blue “Connect with Us” form in today’s bulletin.

      *Habitat for Humanity welcomes volunteers to assist with their new construction across the street from our church. If you wish to volunteer, please email Robert Habel at habelrf@gmail.com to be added to the email list. Robert sends out a volunteer email every Sunday evening about the work for the upcoming week.

Words of Thanks

*Dear Friends, Thank you for being a Sponsor for our Scleroderma Walk, 3/4. Because of your generosity, we were able to raise over $16,000, all of which will be designated for research. We greatly appreciate your support in our efforts to find a cure. Sincerely, Margaret Ann White, Amherst Woman’s Club