Welcome to our worship service on March 26, 2023! The order of worship is available at this link.
*Today is the final Sunday to make your donation for the UMCOR Sunday Offering, which supports the vital ministry of our United Methodist Committee on Relief. Please use your communion offering envelope, or clearly mark your gift for UMCOR Sunday. Your generosity is appreciated.
*Easter Donations to the Capital Improvement Fund: Please use the purple insert in your bulletin to honor and remember loved ones with an Easter Donation to our Capital Improvement Fund. Forms and donations are due to the church office no later than NEXT Sunday, April 2. Please see the insert for details and thank you for your generosity.
*This Wednesday, March 29, 6:00-6:45 p.m. will be the final “Sacred Space” for this Lenten Season. We The time includes brief silent meditation, a devotional thought, prayer and holy communion. All are welcome.
*Worship, Next Sunday, April 2, 10:30 a.m.: Palm/Passion Sunday with procession of palms, music and Scripture readings.
*Passover Seder Meal, Sunday, April 2, 4:00 p.m. in the Social Hall. Please reserve by THIS Wednesday, March 29 by calling or emailing the church office (434-946-7624; office@emmanuelamherst.org) or by using the back of the blue “Connect with Us” form in today’s bulletin.
*Maundy Thursday, April 6, 7:00 p.m. The Living Last Supper: A Dramatic Musical and Worship Experience for Holy Week by Ruth Elaine Schram. Our Chancel Choir presents a living portrayal of the Last Supper through music and dramatic monologue. Holy Communion will be served during the service. A love offering for local missions will be collected. The actors will meet this afternoon for a read-through rehearsal and costuming; Dress rehearsal with the choir is Wednesday, April 5 from 6:00-8:00 p.m.
*Good Friday Observance, Friday, April 7, 6:30 p.m. Several prayer experiences will be available in the Sanctuary, ending with Holy Communion. Booklets from the Society of Saint Andrew will available in the Narthex on Sunday, April 2 for those who wish to participate in a time of fasting on Good Friday.
*Annual Community Easter Egg Hunt on the Church Lawn, Saturday, April 8, 10:00 a.m., Preschool thru Grade 5. The congregation is invited to bring candy for the hunt by next Sunday, April 2. Place your donations in the Narthex tub. Any help we can get with refreshments on the day of the event would be most appreciated (finger foods, kid-friendly snacks and treats, etc.) Bring your items to the church kitchen before the hunt.
*Easter Sunday, April 9, 7:00 a.m. Easter “Son”Rise Service at Amherst Cemetery followed by our Annual Easter Breakfast in the church Fellowship Hall. Please come and bring friends and family with you! If it rains, the service will be held in our Sanctuary. Our church family is encouraged to volunteer to bring breakfast foods by signing up for the items listed on the sheet posted at the back of the Sanctuary.
10:30 a.m. Resurrection Celebration in Worship The congregation is invited to bring fresh flowers to decorate the Easter Living Cross before the worship service. Invite others to join us as we worship our risen Lord!
*An online schedule to provide meals for the Ruggles family has been set up through “Meal Train” If you wish to help out, please visit this link: https://mealtrain.com/ly6v0d
*Habitat for Humanity welcomes volunteers to assist with their new construction across the street from our church. If you wish to volunteer, please email Robert Habel at habelrf@gmail.com to be added to the email list. Robert sends out a volunteer email every Sunday evening about the work for the upcoming week.