Welcome to our worship service on April 16, 2023! The order of worship is available here.
*Church Family Fun Night, Saturday, April 22, 5-7 p.m. Our Fun Night in March was a success, so we want to keep the momentum going! April will be BYOP (bring your own pizza) and a favorite game to share. Beverages will be provided. Bring someone with you to join in this great time of food and fellowship.
*Administrative Professional’s Day Wednesday, April 26 so let’s take this opportunity to show our appreciation to Melanie Stine who faithfully serves us as EUMC’s Administrative Assistant!
*United Women of Faith and the Mountain View District are hosting a Spiritual Life Retreat – Peacemakers and Justice Seekers on Saturday, April 29 from 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at Epworth United Methodist Church (60 Merriman Way Road, Moneta). Registration fee of $5/person is required. Donations of cleaning and paper products will be accepted for Mariam’s House. Additional information and registration forms are available in the church office if you wish to attend, so please contact Melanie with questions (434-946-7624; office@emmanuelamherst.org).
*Hot Dog Day: Saturday, April 29 from 11:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. (Volunteers arrive at 10:00 a.m. in the Church Social Hall to assist with set-up). Join us for this quarterly community event (every 5th Saturday) when our church offers a free hot dog lunch to our community in the parking lot across from Hill Hardware. Please contact Jack Brandell with questions. (434-946-9102; jack.brandell@gmail.com).
*“Bags of Chocolates” Spring Appreciation for Amherst Elementary Teachers and Staff: Let’s provide a special treat for the AES school personnel as they prepare for S.O.L. Testing. Bags are placed by the ramp door entrance to the Sanctuary. Pick up a bag or two and fill it with chocolate treats. Please return your bags to the church narthex by Sunday, April 30. Thanks for your participation.
*Our EUMC Relay for Life Crusaders Team will sponsor a Baked Potato and Salad Bar Fundraiser Luncheon after worship on Sunday, April 30 in the Social Hall. Suggested donation: $7.00.
*Save the Date: Ladies’ Pancake Bunch (the men are cooking!), Saturday, May 13, 10-11:30 a.m. More details to come!
*An online schedule to provide meals for the Ruggles family has been set up through “Meal Train” If you wish to help out, please visit this link: https://mealtrain.com/ly6v0d
*Habitat for Humanity welcomes volunteers to assist with their new construction across the street from our church. If you wish to volunteer, please email Robert Habel at habelrf@gmail.com to be added to the email list. Robert sends out a volunteer email every Sunday evening about the work for the upcoming week.