Welcome to our worship service on Sunday, April 30, 2023! We hope it will be a blessing to you. The order of worship is available at this link.
*Our EUMC Relay for Life Crusaders Team will sponsor a Baked Potato and Salad Bar Fundraiser Luncheon after worship today, April 30 in the Social Hall. Suggested donation: $7.00. Our Crusaders will have a team in the Lynchburg Relay for Life at Heritage High School on Saturday, May 20, 2023 starting at 2 PM. Your support is appreciated through participation and/or donations, including the purchase of luminaria bags. For information please contact Janette Mears or Sue Lamm.
*National Day of Prayer, Thursday, May 4: Held on the first Thursday of May each year, the National Day of Prayer is an annual observance inviting people of all faiths to pray for our nation. In recognition of this day, Emmanuel will sponsor the following on Thursday, Mary 4: Prayer on the Church Lawn at 12 noon and 6:00 p.m. immediately following the ringing of the church bells that play at these hours (this is a brief observance, but feel free to bring your own chair if you wish. The ceremony will be held indoors if raining). The Sanctuary of the church will be open for individual and family prayer time for approximately 30 minutes before and 30 minutes after each of these designated times (11:30 a.m. to Noon and approximately 12:15-12:45 p.m.; 5:30-6:00 p.m. and approximately 6:15-6:45 p.m.). Prayer materials will be provided. All are welcome.
*Special Called Session of the Virginia Annual Conference, Saturday, May 6: A special called session of the Virginia Annual Conference will be held virtually on Saturday, May 6 to consider 64 churches that are requesting disaffiliation from the UMC under paragraph 2553 of the UM Book of Discipline. We appreciate our lay member, David Hewes, and our district at-large delegate for the Mountain View District, Gail Hewes, that represent us in these special proceedings. For more information, please visit the Virginia Annual Conference website at www.vaumc.org.
*All women are welcome to join us for the Ladies’ Pancake Brunch, Saturday, May 13 at 10:00 a.m. in the church Social Hall. This Mother’s Day-themed event will celebrating women! The men of our church will prepare and serve the brunch, which includes pancakes, sausage, fruit, juice, and coffee/tea. Any men who are able to assist with the meal should contact Jack Brandell (Home: 434-946-9102; Cell: 540-784-3927; Email: jack.brandell@gmail.com). We will enjoy a lighthearted program with entertainment, door prizes and FUN! Please purchase tickets in advance from the church office during office hours (M-W-F; 9 to 1) or after worship on Sundays from Jeanie Combs. The reservation deadline is Wednesday, Wednesday, May 10. Any proceeds over and above the cost of the brunch are designated for our church’s Capital Fund for needed building improvements. Cost: $10/adult and $5/children ages 12 and under. Plan to attend and bring someone with you! Sponsored by the EUMC Vitality Team.
*United Women of Faith (formerly UMW) and the Virginia Annual Conference are hosting a Spiritual Life Retreat – Let Your Light Shine on Saturday, May 13 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on Zoom. Visit https://www.vaumw.com/events/spiritual-life-retreat for more information and to register.
*Mother’s Day, Sunday, May 14: The Worship Team looks forward to recognizing all our women and moms with a token of appreciation. All women present in worship on Mother’s Day are invited to wear their favorite hat!
*An online schedule to provide meals for the Ruggles family has been set up through “Meal Train” If you wish to help out, please visit this link: https://mealtrain.com/ly6v0d
*Habitat for Humanity welcomes volunteers to assist with their new construction across the street from our church. If you wish to volunteer, please email Robert Habel at habelrf@gmail.com to be added to the email list. Robert sends out a volunteer email every Sunday evening about the work for the upcoming week.
Words of Thanks
*Thanks to everyone for all of the lovely cards, “Happy Birthday” wishes, Facebook messages, treats and smiles you shared with me on my birthday. I am truly blessed to serve such a warm and caring congregation. With love and thanks, Pastor Nancy