Worship with us online May 7, 2023

Posted By EmmanuelUMC on May 11, 2023 |

Welcome to our worship service on Sunday, May 7, 2023.  We hope it will be a blessing to you.  The order of worship is available here.


     *Today’s Communion Offering will support our Annual Conference mission project of UMCOR “Kits for Conference” Health Kits. Please see the yellow bulletin insert for details.

     *Mother’s Day, NEXT Sunday, May 14: The Worship Team looks forward to recognizing all our women and moms with a token of appreciation. All women present in worship on Mother’s Day are invited to wear their favorite hat!

     *Relay for Life Event, Saturday, May 20: Our Emmanuel Crusaders will have a team in the Lynchburg Relay for Life at Heritage High School on Saturday, May 20, 2023 starting at 2 PM. Your support is appreciated through participation and/or donations, including the purchase of luminaria bags for the Luminaria Ceremony. For information, please contact Janette Mears or Sue Lamm.

     *Meals on Wheels needs your help! Our Meals on Wheels team participates with Amherst County’s Blue Ledge MOW by providing a meal for approximately 30 clients on the first Monday of each month. Cindy Sale has done a wonderful job as coordinator for this ministry for the last several years and she wishes to step back from leadership at this time. While Cindy will still participate on the MOWs team, we need a new team leader (or 2 co-leaders) to coordinate the meals each month. The menu is usually planned via email and volunteers take turns bringing the food items and helping in the kitchen to package the meals for the drivers to pick up (approximately 3-5 p.m. on the 1st Monday). If you feel led to coordinate this ministry team, or to be part of our MOWs team, please contact Cindy Sale (sale@sbc.edu; 434-401-7249) who can share the details of what is involved in this commitment. We appreciate everyone in the congregation who has made designated gifts to MOWs to help offset the cost of the food each month.

     *Pentecost Sunday is May 28 when we celebrate God’s gift of the Holy Spirit and the birthday of the church. The congregation is invited to wear RED on Pentecost Sunday. Cupcakes will be served on the church lawn following worship as we say, “Happy Birthday, Church!”

     *Memorial Day Sunday, May 28: The Worship Team would like to honor the relatives of those in our church family who lost their lives in service to our country. Please write this information on the back of your blue “Connect with Us” form and place it in the offering plate, or call/email Melanie in the church office (434-946-7624; office@emmanuelamherst.org) no later than Wednesday, May 24. Please give us your name, the name of your loved one, the branch of the military in which they served, and the conflict in which they made the ultimate sacrifice, if known. We look forward to remembering these fallen heroes in worship. If you have already shared this information from previous years, it is not necessary to submit it again.

*Graduate Recognition, Sunday, June 11: If you have a graduate to celebrate this year, please let us know by calling/emailing the church office, by or writing the information on the back of the blue “Connect with Us” form and placing it in the offering plate. Thanks for your help.