Worship with us online June 4, 2023

Posted By EmmanuelUMC on Jun 10, 2023 |

Welcome to our worship service on Sunday, June 4!  We hope it blesses you.  The order of worship can be found here.



     *Our June Communion Offering which will be collected today, Sunday, June 4, is designated to support this year’s Annual Conference Offering. Gifts for this offering will be collected through Sunday, June 11. Please use your communion offering envelope, or clearly mark your gift for “Annual Conference Offering.” These gifts will be added to the amount designated in our church’s mission budget for the Annual Conference Offering. Please see the June Newsletter for more information about this year’s Annual Conference Offering.

     *Graduate Recognition, Sunday, June 11: Do you have someone in your family or know of someone in our church family who is graduating this year? If so, TODAY is the deadline to share this information with the church by emailing the church office at office@emmanuelamherst.org or including it on the back of your blue “Connect with Us” form in worship. Please include the name of the graduate; the institution from which they are graduating; the diploma, degree or certificate being conferred; your name and relationship to the graduate; and any future plans if known. We look forward to honoring our graduates with a gift from the church next Sunday, June 11.

*The Board of Trustees will meet on Tuesday, June 6 at 6:00 p.m. in the Social Hall (rescheduled from May 23).

     *The Women’s Tuesday Bible Study will not meet in June. We will resume our regular second Tuesday schedule on Tuesday, July 11 at 9:30 a.m. in the Mattie Ware Classroom. Please join us and bring a friend!

     *The Prayer Shawl Ministry will not be meeting in June, July, and August. They will resume on the second Tuesday, September 12 at 1 p.m. If you have any questions or concerns please speak to one of the members, Pearl Clark, Judy McCartney, Marge Steadman, Cookie Odgen, or Janie Stinnett. Anyone interested in coming to the meetings, feel free to join us. We would love to have you.

     *Father’s Day is Sunday, June 18 and the worship team looks forward to recognizing all of our dads and men who are present in worship on that day! We invite the men to wear their craziest or funniest tie/bowtie to worship in honor of Father’s Day.

     *Gospel Concert at EUMC on Saturday, June 24 at 2:00 p.m. featuring Rev. Anderson and the Spiritual Sons. This is a benefit concert for Habitat for Humanity of Amherst and a love offering will be collected. Tours of the new Habitat homes across the street from the church will be conducted before and after the concert.

    *Love to Garden, but Not Every Day? We are in the process of converting one of the rose gardens into a perennial garden due to the declining health of the roses and labor-intensive care required to maintain a rose garden. We need a team of willing volunteers to maintain gardens on church grounds which would include deadheading, weeding and watering once a week as needed. If we can locate 8 volunteers, each team of two volunteers would only be required to work once a month from May through October. To me, there is no better stress reducer than working in the peaceful surroundings of our beautiful church building, listening to the church chimes, and spending time as a steward of God’s green earth. Please call or email Karen (946-5545, RoadsEnd1991@gmail.com) no later than June 15 to sign up for this task.Karen Sacasky and Augusta Peters

    *Community Talent Search: Amherst Presbyterian Church is hosting a Community Talent Search in collaboration with Second Stage. The gathering is scheduled for June 21 at 7:00 p.m. For more information call 434-946-5296 or email church@amherstpresbyterian.org.