Worship with us online July 23, 2023

Posted By EmmanuelUMC on Aug 10, 2023 |

Welcome to our worship service on Sunday, July 23, 2023.  The order of worship is available at this link.


*Thelma Iseman’s birthday is this week and the church visitation team plans to gather in the lobby at Fairmont on Monday (TOMORROW!), July 24 at 9:30 a.m. to share birthday blessings with Thelma. A poster board birthday card is at the check in station at the back of the Sanctuary if you would like to sign it to wish Thelma a happy birthday.

*Many thanks to Elbert Maddox for his hospitality again this year in hosting the church family pool party. We had a great time!

*Pastor Nancy will be gone this coming week from Wednesday, July 26 through Monday, July 31. Please call her cell phone with any pastoral care emergencies that arise (434-401-5776). Announcements for next Sunday’s bulletin are due in the church office by noon on Tuesday of this week.

*Back-to-School Teacher Appreciation Gift Bags are available for you to pick up to help us show our love and appreciation to the teachers and staff of Amherst Elementary. The name of the teacher and the instructions are on the bag. Please return your bag by Sunday, August 13th when we will offer a prayer of blessing over these gifts. Thanks for your help! Please contact Jeanie Combs with questions.

*“Back-to-School” Blessing Sunday, August 13 during 10:30 Worship Service: Back-to-School is just around the corner! We welcome all students, teachers and school personnel (preschool and beyond!) to join us for worship as we ask God’s blessing upon the new school year. Students are invited to bring their backpacks or lunchboxes to worship for the blessing. We will dedicate our teacher appreciation gift bags for Amherst Elementary and also recognize Amherst Cares Volunteers on this day as we begin another year of ministry together. Our August Communion Offering is designated for the ministry of Amherst Cares.

 *Save-the-Date: The Vitality Team will sponsor the Annual Ice Cream Social on Sunday, August 27 at 4:00 p.m. in the Social Hall. This year, we are including a Variety/Talent Show as part of the gathering! Everyone is encouraged to “act up” and share your talent as the featured entertainment for the event. Please watch for more details.

*Summer Worship: As we continue with summer worship, feel free to dress “cool and casual.” We always look forward to “Singing our Favorites” during summer worship, so please use the back of your blue “Connect with Us” form to share your favorite hymns. Even if it is not in our hymnal, share the title and we will do our best to find it!

*Worship Team Assistants Needed: We still have several openings for Ushers and Lay Readers for worship, so please consider signing up to help. The sign-up sheet is located on the big bulletin board in the hallway beside the Sanctuary. Thanks for considering this ministry opportunity.