Worship with us online Oct. 1, 2023

Posted By EmmanuelUMC on Oct 5, 2023 |

Welcome to our worship service on World Communion Sunday, Oct. 1, 2023.  The Order of Worship is available here.



*Thanks to everyone who used the Coin Boxes to collect your spare change for the ministry of the Society of St. Andrew during Hunger Action Month in September. Please leave your boxes on the altar this morning. We will have a prayer of blessing over these gifts during the offering time in worship today. We will collect food items for Amherst Cares through next Sunday, Sunday, October 8. Please pick up the yellow information sheet located at the Sanctuary entrances for a list of needed items.

*Schedule Changes: Due to some scheduling conflicts, the following meeting times have been changed:

Church Council and Finance will meet on Tuesday, October 17 at 6:30 (not on October 10).

The Ladies Bible Study will NOT meet in October.

The Board of Trustees will meet on Tuesday, November 14 at 6:00 p.m. (not on October 24).

The Vitality Team meeting scheduled for November 14 will be rescheduled.


*Bible Studies, Sunday School and Prayer Groups: Fall is a great time to begin a new small group! Interest has been expressed for the following: Offering a new Adult Sunday School class at 9:15 a.m. each week on Sunday mornings; Books & Breakfast (read a book together on a Christian topic/devotional classic, then meet once a month for breakfast and discussion); Weekly Wednesday Bible Study and/or Prayer Group (on Wednesday mornings/evenings; time TBD depending on interest). Our Women’s Bible Study group meets on the 2nd Tuesday of each month in the Mattie Ware Classroom and welcomes any other interested women to join them. The Francis Asbury Senior Adult Class has also resumed and meets weekly in the Mattie Ware Classroom. Please take time to complete the back of your blue “Connect with Us” form in worship to indicate your interest in these spiritual growth opportunities, or to share any ideas that you may have. You may also contact Pastor Nancy to share your ideas: (ncolemanjohnson@gmail.com; 434-401-5776).


*Church Administrative Assistant: Emmanuel UMC seeks an energetic, personable, and reliable individual to assist the congregation and pastor with the basic administrative and communication needs of the church. Above average computer skills are preferred, including experience with Microsoft Office, Publisher,

Outlook, and mastery of basic word processing functions. Knowledge of church-related software, such as Power Church, will be helpful. Candidates should possess good interpersonal and organizational skills, and the ability to multi-task effectively. This is a part-time position of 12 to 20 hours per week. The workday and work hours are negotiable. The hourly wage will be commensurate with skills and experience. Interested persons may view the full job description on our church website (www.emmanuelumchurch.org), or by contacting Mike Gamble, Emmanuel UMC’s SPPRC Chair at mgamble208@gmail.com, or by calling (434) 941-4034. Resumes may be emailed to Mike or mailed to the church as follows: Emmanuel United Methodist Church, ATTN: Staff/Pastor Parish Relations Committee, c/o Mike Gamble, P.O. Box 451, Amherst, VA 24521. The congregation is encouraged to share this job opportunity with others in the community who may be interested in applying for the position.


*Worship Team Assistants Needed: We still have several openings for Ushers and Lay Readers for worship between now and the end of the year, so please consider signing up to help. The sign-up sheet is located on the big bulletin board in the hallway beside the Sanctuary. Thanks for considering this ministry opportunity.