Welcome to our worship service on October 15! The Order of Worship is available here.
*AGAR Concert and Soup Supper, Sunday, October 15, 4:00 p.m. TODAY, we welcome the
community to our lovely Sanctuary for an Amherst Glebe Arts Response (AGAR) Concert featuring concert
organist Peggy Haas Howell and Cantate Children's and Youth Choir. Please see the flyer in today’s bulletin for
more information. Tickets are $15 per person, $8 for students and are available at the door (cash/checks only) or
online through a link provided on the AGAR website: www.amherstglebeartsresponse.org.
Following the concert, we will provide a soup supper to benefit the various food ministries of EUMC (food
pantry, holiday food boxes, Amherst Cares, Meals on Wheels). Suggested Donation: $10/adults; $6/children
under 10. Thanks to everyone that has volunteered to bring food for the supper. Faye Garrette is organizing the
sign-ups for the food, so please contact Faye via email (fayelyle1943@gmail.com) or phone (434-946-7375)
with questions. Please share information about this special event with your family and friends!
*“Bone”-Appetit Potluck and Game Night, Saturday, October 28, 5-7 p.m. Bring your favorite
harvest or Halloween dish to share and enjoy games with following the meal. Dress up if you wish and bring
someone with you! It’s the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown movie will be shown.
*Halloween on the Lawn, Tuesday, October 31, 5-7 p.m. The Vitality Team invites everyone to join
us for this annual “Halle-BOO-jah” as we gather on the church lawn for Halloween. The church family is
invited to bring a lawn chair, dress up in your Halloween best, and join in the festivities as we welcome the
community. Hot dogs, hot chocolate and treats will be provided. Those helping with set-up should arrive at
4:00 p.m. The congregation is invited to bring individually wrapped candy/Halloween treats for the event to the
Narthex tub through Sunday, October 29. The Vitality Team and anyone else who wants to help will assemble
the treat bags immediately after worship on Sunday, October 29 upstairs in the Youth Room.
*On Sunday, November 5, our church family will observe All Saints’ Sunday. All members of our
congregation and the loved ones of our church family that have passed away since last All Saints’ Sunday
(November 6, 2022) will be remembered during the 10:30 a.m. worship service. If you have a loved one that
you would like to include in this observance, please call or send an email to the church office (434-946-7624;
office@emmanuelamherst.org), or share the information on the back of your blue “Connect with Us” form in
your worship bulletin. We appreciate receiving this information no later than Sunday, October 29.
*Bible Studies, Sunday School and Prayer Groups: Fall is a great time to begin a new small group!
Please see the back of your blue “Connect with Us” form and indicate your interest in participating in a small
group. See the October newsletter for more information. You may also contact Pastor Nancy to share your
ideas: (ncolemanjohnson@gmail.com; 434-401-5776).
*Church Administrative Assistant: Emmanuel UMC seeks an energetic, personable, and reliable
individual to assist the congregation and pastor with the basic administrative and communication needs of the
church. Above average computer skills are preferred, including experience with Microsoft Office, Publisher,
Outlook, and mastery of basic word processing functions. Knowledge of church-related software, such as Power
Church, will be helpful. Candidates should possess good interpersonal and organizational skills, and the ability
to multi-task effectively. This is a part-time position of 12 to 20 hours per week. The workday and work hours
are negotiable. The hourly wage will be commensurate with skills and experience. Interested persons may view
the full job description on our church website (www.emmanuelumchurch.org), or by contacting Mike Gamble,
Emmanuel UMC’s SPPRC Chair at mgamble208@gmail.com, or by calling (434) 941-4034. Resumes may be
emailed to Mike or mailed to the church as follows: Emmanuel United Methodist Church, ATTN: Staff/Pastor
Parish Relations Committee, c/o Mike Gamble, P.O. Box 451, Amherst, VA 24521. The congregation is
encouraged to share this job opportunity with others in the community who may be interested in applying for
the position.
Words of Thanks
Many thanks to the wonderful surprises presented to me in worship last week for Pastor Appreciation Month.
Your thoughtfulness is most appreciated, and you are a blessing to me! With thanks, Pastor Nancy