Welcome to our service of worship on Sunday, Dec. 10, 2023, the second Sunday of Advent!
The order of worship is available here.
*Today is our annual Share the Warmth Service featuring the blessing of the handmade offerings from our prayer shawl ministry that bring love and care to so many. If you brought “Soft Slipper Socks for Seniors” (unwrapped), please place them on the altar with the prayer shawls before the service. The socks and other donated items will be distributed to elderly men and women in Amherst County through Central Virginia Alliance for Community Living. Thank you for your generosity!
*Christmas Caroling at Amherst County Museum: Please join The Chancel Choir in singing Christmas Carols this afternoon at the Amherst County Museum’s Open House at 2:30 p.m. (arrive at 2:15). We encourage any interested singers in the church family to please join us!
*Next Sunday, December 17, our Chancel Choir presents The Living Creche during the morning worship service followed by a fellowship meal in the Social Hall. The church will provide the chicken, paper products and beverages. The congregation is invited to bring side dishes, salads and desserts. This is a great Sunday to bring someone with you to church!
*Advent Devotional Booklets from the Society of St. Andrew are available at the Sanctuary entrances, as well as the coin boxes we can use during Advent to collect spare change for their gleaning ministry to feed the hungry.
*Please Note: “Sacred Space” Advent Meditation, Prayer and Communion previously scheduled for the Wednesdays of Advent has been cancelled.
*2024 Offering Envelopes are available for pick up on the tables located at the back of the Sanctuary. Names are arranged alphabetically. Offering envelopes are available for anyone who wants them. By using the numbered envelopes, you will receive a quarterly contribution statement of your giving for tax purposes. Please contact the church office to be assigned an envelope number and receive offering envelopes.
*Church Family Christmas Cards: The congregation is invited to participate in our Church Family Christmas Card distribution which allows us to share postage-free Christmas wishes with our church family. Please prepare your cards in envelopes with the name of the recipient on the front of each envelope. Place your cards together in a plastic zip-lock bag with your name on the outside of the bag. Drop of your cards in the Narthex tub anytime between now and Sunday, December 17. Your cards from the church family will be returned to you in your same plastic bag on December 24. The savings in postage gives us all an opportunity to make an additional gift to the church or to the charity of our choice. PLEASE NOTE: If you wish to send cards to some of our homebound or nursing/retirement home friends, or to those who do not worship with us regularly, addresses are available in the church directory or church office for you to mail them. The church is not able to mail cards that are not picked up. Thanks to Jeanie Combs for organizing this project for us!
*Please be reminded that poinsettia order forms and donations are due TODAY! Please see the bright green form in your bulletin for details about this year’s poinsettias. Poinsettias may be taken from the tree following the 5:00 p.m. Christmas Eve Service on Sunday, December 24.
*Today’s bulletin contains a listing of special events and worship opportunities for Advent and Christmas. Please make note of the information and share it with someone you know who may not have a church home during this holy season.
*Habitat Christmas Gifts: If you picked up a red gift tag to provide a Christmas gift for a Habitat family member, please return your wrapped gift with the red tag attached to either the Narthex tub or the pew outside Pastor Nancy’s office by Sunday, December 17. Thanks for your help.
Words of Thanks
*The Worship Team extends a heartfelt thanks to everyone that assisted with “Decking the Halls” of the church and Sanctuary last Sunday afternoon. Your help was most appreciated!