Welcome to our worship service on December 31, 2023! The order of worship is available here.
*Thanks to everyone who placed a poinsettia in honor or memory of loved ones and made contributions to our Capital Improvement Fund. Extra copies of the Christmas insert listing all those who were honored and remembered are available at the Sanctuary entrances. If you have not yet picked up your poinsettia plant(s) there are a few remaining in the Children’s Sunday School room upstairs. Thanks to everyone on the Worship Team and others that helped set up and tend to this year’s poinsettia tree.
*Church Family Christmas Cards: Thanks to Jeanie Combs who organized our church family Christmas Card distribution again this year. Please pick up your cards at the back of the Sanctuary, along with your 2024 offering envelopes.
*TONIGHT, Sunday, December 31, 4:00-6:00 p.m. New Year’s Eve Gathering with food, games, fellowship, fun and a blessing of the New Year! Bring a traditional New Year’s dish (black-eyed peas, cabbage, greens, corn bread, onion dishes, oranges, grapes, soft pretzels and ring shaped/round cakes (like bundt cakes) or a food tradition from your family.
*“Un-Decking the Halls” of the Church: The Worship Team invites others to join us THIS Wednesday, January 3 at 4:00 p.m. as we undecorate the church. We appreciate all those who are able to pitch in and help!
*Next Sunday’s January Communion Offering is designated for the ministry of Amherst Habitat for Humanity. Your generosity is most appreciated.
*2024 Offering Envelopes are available for pick up on the tables located at the back of the Sanctuary. Names are arranged alphabetically. Offering envelopes are available for anyone who wants them. By using the numbered envelopes, you will receive a quarterly contribution statement of your giving for tax purposes. Please contact the church office to be assigned an envelope number and receive offering envelopes.