Welcome to our worship service on January 21, 2024! The order of worship can be found at this link.
*January Mission Project: The Children’s and Youth Ministry Team invites the congregation to collect stuffed animals/toys through the month of January for our local first responders to use when making emergency calls involving children. These small gifts can help to greatly ease the fear and anxiety a child experiences in these times of crisis. Please place your items in the Narthex tub by NEXT Sunday, January 28. Thanks for your help. Please see Jeanie Combs with questions.
*Blessing of Church Leaders: On Sunday, January 28 during morning worship, we will show our gratitude to the church leaders who have served us in 2023 and offer a blessing for the 2024 Lay Leadership of our congregation. We appreciate all our ministry leaders and faithful volunteers who devote themselves to serve Christ through the ministries of our church and give thanks for the many ways God calls each of us to give of ourselves in service.
*Save the Date: On Sunday, February 11 immediately following worship, the Vitality Team will sponsor a Valentine themed luncheon for the congregation. More details to come!
*2024 Offering Envelopes and Church Family Christmas Cards: If you have not yet picked yours up, they are located at the back of the Sanctuary. If you do not have an envelope number and would like to receive envelopes, please contact Mike Stinnett or the church office.
District and Conference Learning Opportunities
*Mountain View District: Equipping Clergy and Laity, Zoom Leadership Series: All workshops will take place via zoom from 5:30-6:30 p.m. on the date listed. You must register in advance to participate. After registering, you will receive a link to join the session by phone or other connected device. Since these opportunities are being offered virtually via Zoom, please let Pastor Nancy know if you would be interested in coming to the church and participating together in the call with others.
~ Spiritual Practices for a Holy Lent, Wednesday, Feb. 7, Rev. Leigh Ann Taylor.
~ Why I’m United Methodist, Wednesday, April 10, 2024, District Lay Leader, Susan White.
~ MissionInsite, Wednesday, May 8, Rev. Clayton Payne
Register: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1d3WUiDviN0CQNjHjOyhNQVTTeLrfQdDzonekYZ8CZKY/edit
District Lay Servant Ministries is also relaunching and offering training opportunities for lay persons both in person and virtually. Please see the January church newsletter for more information.