EUMC receives the One Matters Award

Posted By EmmanuelUMC on Nov 14, 2024 |

Pictured from Left to Right: David Hewes, EUMC Lay Leader; Rev. Nancy Johnson, Pastor; DS Rev. Dr. Sarah Calvert; Ronda Wimmer (VAUMC Board of Discipleship)

On Sunday, November 10, a representative from the Virginia Conference Board of Discipleship was with us to officially present our church with the 2024 One Matters Award we received at Annual Conference in June from the General Board of Discipleship of the UMC. Each year, one church in the Annual Conference is given this award for their efforts in turning zeros into positive numbers with a renewed focus on discipleship. We received this award for our turnaround performance over the last several years in baptisms and professions of faith. Over the last eight years or so, our congregation has been intentional in our efforts to become a more invitational and relational church as we continue to look for ways to connect with our community and provide opportunities for the church family to invite others into our fellowship. In addition to a plaque and certificate, the church received a check for $1,000 to continue our good work together. Many thanks to the congregation for being a warm and welcoming place for our guests, and your continued work in helping us make disciples for the transformation of the world. To God be the Glory! It was a blessing to have our new District Superintendent, Rev. Dr. Sarah Calvert, as our preacher on November 10, and thanks to everyone that helped to make the fellowship meal after the service so special for us all.