Christmas blessings to each of you. We are happy to finally be able to resume posting our recorded worship services online using upgraded equipment.
The order of worship for this service is available here.
Emmanuel’s News and Announcements
*Thanks to everyone that made Christmas donations in honor or in memory of loved ones. We thank the Worship Team for their great work during this special season, and all the extra time and energy they have invested in making our Sanctuary and church so lovely for Advent and Christmas. Plants may be picked up after the 5:00 Christmas Eve Service on Tuesday, December 24. An insert is in today’s bulletin listing all those being honored and remembered.
*Today, our Chancel Choir presents The Ballad of Bethlehem: A Timeless Story of God’s Love. We appreciate the faithful ministry of the choir, and for their dedication and preparation for today’s worship service. Members of the Chancel Choir: Carol Andercyk, Marsha and Maynard Campbell, Ella Sue Coffey, Libby Howell-Jennings, Bessie Kirkwood, Elbert Maddox, Janette Mears, Ethan Hope-Ogden, Gary Roach, Margaret Ann White, Pam Zentmyer; Accompanist: Sue Lamm; Choral Director: Nancy Johnson; Page Turner: Jeanie Combs; Sound: David Mears; Narrator: Jack Brandell.
*Tuesday, December 24, 5:00 p.m. ~ Christmas Eve Candlelight Communion Service ~ Join us as we gather for worship on this holy night. All are welcome.
*2025 Offering envelopes are available for pick up at the back of the Sanctuary. The booklets are arranged alphabetically. Numbered and dated envelopes are provided to anyone in the church family that wishes to use them to track your giving to the church. If you use the envelopes, you will receive a quarterly statement from the church for tax purposes. Please contact Mike Stinnett or the church office if you have questions regarding contributions or offering envelopes.
*The Board of Trustees invites the congregation to sign up for a cleaning project at the church. The sign-up sheet is on the back check-in table. You may come at a time that suits you, but please do not work alone. You may bring your own cleaning supplies and get reimbursed if you wish. Thanks for helping us care for our beautiful church facility. Further instructions are on the sign-up sheet.
*Worship Assistants are needed for 2025. The sign-up sheet has been posted on the big bulletin board in the hallway leading to the educational wing. If you can assist as an usher, greeter or Lay Reader in worship, please sign up on the big bulletin board in the hallway to the left of the choir loft. If you have any questions about ushering or greeting, please see Paul Ogden, Head Usher. If you have questions about serving as a Lay Reader, please contact Pastor Nancy. Thanks for considering these ministries.
*Children’s Church Assistants Needed: We are so thankful to be able to once again provide Children’s Church for our youngest worshipers each Sunday. Children in preschool through 3rd grade are dismissed during the service for an age-appropriate worship and learning experience created just for them. Our Children’s and Youth ministry team is rotating the leadership of Children’s Church on a weekly basis, but we need additional persons to help on the Sundays that our Nursery Attendant cannot be present. Our church’s Safe Sanctuaries policy requires us to observe the “two adult rule” when supervising groups of children and youth. Skylar Ondrick usually provides this for us since she is present in the nursery, in addition to the volunteer who is teaching Children’s Church that week. However, on the Sundays that she is not present, or one of her children is ill, we need additional volunteers who can step in to serve as the “second adult” to ensure that we are in compliance with our own policies. The continuation of this ministry depends on having some willing back-up volunteers available when needed. If you are able to serve in this way, please contact Jeanie Combs at your earliest convenience. Thanks for considering this important ministry.