Worship with us online January 26, 2025

Posted By EmmanuelUMC on Jan 29, 2025 |

Welcome to our worship service on Sunday, January 26. 2025!  The Order of Worship for this service is available here.

Emmanuel’s News and Announcements

*TODAY, we will offer a Blessing of Church Leaders during morning worship. We give thanks and gratitude to our church leaders that have served us so faithfully in 2024 and we will offer a prayer of blessing for the 2025 Lay Leadership of our church. We appreciate all our ministry leaders and dedicated volunteers who devote themselves in service to Christ through the ministries of our church and give thanks for the many ways God calls each of us to give of ourselves in Kingdom-building work. If you would like to share your gifts with the congregation in a particular ministry, please contact Pastor Nancy or Pam Brockman, Council Chair.

*A Sacred Silence/Contemplative Prayer Group is meeting in our Sanctuary each Wednesday at noon for 30 minutes. After last week’s initial meeting, the group will resume on Wednesday, February 12. All are welcome.

*It is time for the Annual Scleroderma Walk/March for Scleroderma on March 8 at the Sweet Briar College gym. Registration starts at 8:15 a.m. and the walk begins at 10:00 a.m., followed by a live auction at 11:00 a.m. Registration is $35. We will have Team Emmanuel again this year. If you would like to register ahead of time, registration forms are available from Margaret Ann White or Cat Brandell, who are happy to assist you with the registration process. It is important that you understand that you do not have to walk to participate in this event. This event is all about raising money for scleroderma research and raising community awareness. Please share this information with your family and friends. If you have questions, please contact Cat Brandell, Jill Clark, Gail Hewes or Margaret Ann White. Emmanuel is a silver level sponsor of the March for Scleroderma each year.

*The Board of Trustees invites the congregation to sign up for a cleaning project at the church. The sign-up sheet is on the back check-in table. You may come at a time that suits you, but please do not work alone. You may bring your own cleaning supplies and get reimbursed if you wish. Thanks for helping us care for our beautiful church facility. Further instructions are on the sign-up sheet.

*Our Staff/Pastor Parish Relations Committee (SPPRC) is pleased to announce that Cindy Sale has been hired as our new Administrative Assistant in the church office. Cindy began her duties on January 14 and she will work in the office for 12 hours per week. Office hours will remain variable during the training period with a regular office schedule being published beginning in February. We welcome Cindy to our team of part-time staff and look forward to working with her. Please continue to share information with the office by calling/leaving a message, or by email (434-946-7624; office@emmanuelamherst.org). If there is a pastoral emergency, or if you need immediate assistance, please call Pastor Nancy directly on her cell phone (434-401-5776). Please be reminded that announcements for the weekly bulletin or changes to the weekly calendar are due to the church office by phone, in writing or via email no later than noon on WEDNESDAY. Please leave any written messages in the marked folder in the wall box outside the office door. Thanks for your help.

*2025 Offering Envelopes and remaining Christmas Cards are available for pick up at the back of the Sanctuary. The envelope booklets are arranged alphabetically. Numbered and dated envelopes are provided to anyone in the church family that wishes to use them to track your giving to the church. If you use the numbered envelopes, you will receive a quarterly statement from the church for tax purposes. Please contact Mike Stinnett or the church office if you have questions regarding contributions or offering envelopes. If you need your envelopes to be mailed to you, please contact the church office (434-946-7624; office@emmanuelamherst.org).

*Looking Ahead/Save the Date: The Vitality Team invites the congregation to join us for our “Sharing God’s Love” Valentine Soup/Salad/Bread and Dessert Luncheon following worship on Sunday, February 9. Again this year, the men and boys of the church will be invited to bring desserts for the “bake-off” contest. A sign-up sheet for food items is available in the Narthex/Back check-in table. Come and bring a friend.

*Worship Assistants are needed for 2025. The sign-up sheet has been posted on the big bulletin board in the hallway leading to the educational wing.  Thanks for considering these ministries.