Please join us for these special opportunities during Advent and Christmas 2024:
Sacred Space Advent Meditation, Prayer and Communion. Wednesdays of Advent, December 4, 11, and 18 from 5:30-6:00 p.m. in our Sanctuary. Come and find a quiet space to center your spirit on Jesus Christ during the busyness of this season. Each gathering will begin with a time of silent meditation and individual prayer. We will then share together in a brief devotional thought, prayer and holy communion. All are welcome.
Sunday, December 15, 10:30 a.m. ~ Share the Warmth Service featuring the annual blessing of the handmade offerings from our prayer shawl ministry that bring love and care to so many. We invite everyone to bring Soft Slipper Socks for Seniors, unwrapped, that will be distributed to the residents of Fairmont Crossing here in Amherst. It is best to donate the slipper socks that have safety grips on the bottom in colors that are appropriate for either men or women. This service will also feature an extended Children’s Moment featuring our youngest disciples.
Saturday, December 21, 4:00 p.m. ~ Longest Night/ Blue Christmas Service: A Gathering of Hope and Light. During the busyness and noise of the holiday season, many people struggle with feeling disconnected from all the festive merriment due to personal losses and difficulties of all kinds: grief, illness, loneliness, financial stress, or changing family circumstances. These situations can make the holidays particularly challenging. On the Longest night of the year, join us for a sacred time of quiet meditation, prayer, scripture, remembrance and hope. Participants may bring a photo or a special remembrance of a loved one to place on the memory table if you wish, or an item that is symbolic of your faith journey at the present time. All are welcome.
Sunday, December 22, 10:30 a.m. ~ Our Chancel Choir presents The Ballad of Bethlehem: A Timeless Story of God’s Love, followed by a covered dish luncheon. Come and bring someone with you on this special Sunday!
Tuesday, December 24, 5:00 p.m. ~ Christmas Eve Candlelight Communion service. Join us as we gather for worship on this holy night. All are welcome.
Sunday, December 29, 10:30 a.m. ~ A Christmas Service of Lessons and Carols.